Message from the CEO – 8/14/2020

During COVID-19, my staff has continued to provide excellent service to the families and children of the western Lake Worth community.

All of the classes and programs have moved to a virtual platform, including home visiting services and our college preparation program for high school students.

As an added support, our clients stop by our community center every Tuesday and pick up food boxes, with fresh fruit, milk and meat. We are also distributing customized masks for anyone who needs face covering.

Lake Worth West Resident Planning Group is here for our community.

Please continue to social distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands regularly.

COVID-19 has set us back for the moment, but it won’t keep us down.

Our community is resilient and we’ll get through these tough times together.

As always, thank you for your support.

Yours truly,
Rhonda Rogers
CEO & President
Lake Worth West Resident Planning Group

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