What we need help with is donations, sponsors, and getting our name out there. We arehaving problems showing our ads on google because we can not apply for legitscript. It’s really difficult to advertsie and to promote what we do. We are not affiliated with any facilities or corporations. We also need help with volunteers…

Horse loving volunteers are needed and those that may be able to assist with fencing and our storm damaged chicken coop and other odd jobs.   PPE is worn on site and we request that those with Covid exposure stay away for at minimum of a 2 week period of quarantine.   Feel free to…

Sam Dratch was just 36 years old when he died on October 6, 2018.  He was a graduate of the Maret School in Washington, DC, Vassar College and the University of Michigan Law School.  He was a tenacious, dedicated proud Palm Beach County Public Defender, devoted to fighting for the rights of the underrepresented.  Sam…

Looking for a way to get involved with the Women’s Foundation? The Professional Development Committee is planning for 2021 and always looking for new members! Join us tomorrow via Zoom from 6-8pm to set our plan for the next year! Email [email protected] if you are interested.

If you’re passionate about helping your community, please volunteer to spend some time helping us in our mission. We can match your talents to our needs in a variety of areas. Here are some of the volunteer opportunities that are available at Clinics Can Help: • Fundraising • General office/data entry • Supply packaging •…

We are looking for donors to help people struggling with substance abuse get the help the need and deserve. The people that what to live without drugs and alcohol but don’t know where to turn to.

       Our MENTORS are caring volunteers who share a one-to-one friendship with a child of the same gender. As a youth mentor, you are a positive role model who guides, supports and encourages a child within The Children’s Healing Institute. You will be part of a very special group of people making the difficult times of…

We know that sometimes parents need a little assistance in accessing items for their children and families. Our Amazon Wish List is updated frequently to include items that our families need — from infant care items to games and toys for older kids who are at home. We’re all shopping online more than ever these…

This year more than ever we need individuals, groups, organizations, churches to help us take care of the 7,500 children in our program this year. Adopt and Angel and purchase sneakers, socks, underware and a toy for a local child in need.

This Fall we will be needing volunteers to help us Shop and Wrap gifts for children in need in a socially distanced safe space. This a great team building opportunity for groups to volunteer and wrap presents! Shop and Wrap dates will be available beginning in October.