Wings of Recovery Network

5693 Northpointe Ln, Boynton Beach, Fl 33437, Usa
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Our mission To connect people struggling with substance abuse to detox centers, treatment centers, and sober living and to spread awareness to make Recovery the New Epidemic.
COVID-19 Impact
Making Recovery the New Epidemic

Making Recovery the New Epidemic

From Addiction to Recovery

From Addiction to Recovery

Ticket to Recovery

Ticket to Recovery

COVID-19 Impact Data
Volunteer hours lost 0.0
Financial loss $9,000

Wings of Recovery Network

0 Reviews
Ways to help

Donate to Save Lives

We are looking for donors to help people struggling with substance abuse get the help the need and deserve. The people that what to live without drugs and alcohol but don’t know where to turn to. See full description
  • Adults (18+)
  • One-time, Ongoing, Recurring
  • Anytime
  • Individuals, Corporate Teams
  • Writing, Skills-based, Other
Learn More

Make Recovery the New Epidemic

What we need help with is donations, sponsors, and getting our name out there. We arehaving problems showing our ads on google because we can not apply for legitscript. It’s really difficult to advertsie and to promote what we do. We are not affiliated with any facilities or corporations. We also need help with volunteers… See full description
  • Adults (18+)
  • One-time, Ongoing, Recurring
  • Anytime
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends
  • Individuals
  • Tech Support, Collect Donations, Delivery, Other
Learn More
Items we need now


We are looking for supplies to raffle off virtually that will have our logoo on it. We've been looking a various places but it is out of our udget range as  of right now. We are looking for pens, hand towels, water bottles, t-shirts, etc. Also looking for other supplies like gift cards from various places and any other items that people would like to donate.
  • In-Kind Donations
  • Item Collection
  • Make Items
  • Wishlist - Amazon, etc

Help Needed

Hi we need help in a lot of areas. The first priority is training on how to do virtual fundraising. We are not sure how we would even begin. On that not we need help fundraisig. We are also looking for someone who knows how to write grant proposal  and to help us with how to write them. We are looking for a new computer that is windows or laptop, office supplies, items with our logo on them, and we are also looking for sponsors.
  • In-Kind Donations
  • Make Items
How you help If interested in volunteering or what to know more about what we do please contact us. You can make a change in your community.
About us Wings of Recovery Network, Inc. or W.O.R.N. is located in Boynton Beach, Florida. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to helping anyone struggling with substance abuse get the help they deserve and find a new way of life. We help pay for transportation to get to treatment anywhere in the United States. We also provide resources and referrals to detox centers, treatment facilities, or sober living. If funding is available we will help pay for three days of detox, part of treatment, and one week of rent for sober living. With the dedication of our donors and community, we strive to improve the lives of everyone with a substance abuse problem who needs and wants help in the United States, but the majority of our clients are based out of South Florida. We will do whatever we can to get help for the person searching. We are not affiliated with any facilities and do not ask for a promissory note to be signed. To receive help from us all you have to do is sign an authorization form. So don't hesitate to reach out for help. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
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