Kelly Ann Women's Ministry

5071 Nautica Lake Cir, Greenacres, Fl 33463, Usa
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Our mission We are committed to teaching biblical principles, renewing hope, restoring minds, and improving the community by providing programs and activities that address the needs of women from all generations and backgrounds in the areas of mental struggles, self-image, life balance, spiritual growth, and parenting.

Kelly Ann Women’s Ministry

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How you help We couldn't live without volunteers to assist at Bible studies, social events, and our special events. We always need volunteers!
About us We are a 501c3 nonprofit providing an array of programs and activities designed to teach about God's love in order to equip women to be healed in their minds, live free from bondage, and eradicate chronic mental battles. We offer Bible studies, social events, and special events that teach biblical principles on how to enjoy life, make right choices, and we educate the public from a godly perspective so that we can live the abundant, joyful life God designed!
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