What we need help with is donations, sponsors, and getting our name out there. We arehaving problems showing our ads on google because we can not apply for legitscript. It’s really difficult to advertsie and to promote what we do. We are not affiliated with any facilities or corporations. We also need help with volunteers…

The Esperanza Center is looking for a teacher to teach Hispanic adult students learn basic computer skills. Weekday evening classes preferred, weekends are a bit more flexible.

The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, Sat. 5/14 Volunteers are needed to help us for this year’s Postal Food Drive on Saturday, May 14. Slots are now open for two different times at two sites (one in Boynton Beach and one in Delray Beach). We are looking for this year…

Horse loving volunteers are needed and those that may be able to assist with fencing and our storm damaged chicken coop and other odd jobs.   PPE is worn on site and we request that those with Covid exposure stay away for at minimum of a 2 week period of quarantine.   Feel free to…

We are so grateful to everyone who has asked how they can help! This community truly has come together to support those in need, and we are proud to be a part of it. If you would like to help The Lord’s Place break the cycle of homelessness, we have several ways to do so: Please…

Food Sorting & Packing Pantry Bags We need groups of 6 people (must at least be in high school and accompanied by an adult) to help either sort food donations or pack pantry bags to be given out at our food pantries. Location is at our Lake Worth warehouse near I-95 and 10th Ave N.…